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Finding Fitness

2020 . . . not a year any of us will forget; but amidst all of the chaos, many people found themselves, through new hobbies, hidden talents and change of vocation.

For us, 2020 was the start of our fitness journey. As a family, we have always been active, from boxing and karate to dancing, swimming and running, but being unable to go out meant we had to find alternatives.

We turned to the internet for inspiration and discovered a multitude of workout videos covering many different styles and intensities.

Chloe Ting's 2-week ab challenge was our first introduction to online fitness.


Everyone was raving about Chloe Ting. I tried out the video first - because I'm always the guinea pig! At only 10 minutes long I was sure it wouldn't be too challenging. I felt each exercise but couldn't understand what all of the fuss was about . . . until the next day. The ache in my muscles was insane. It was a 2-week challenge and I already needed the day off! Mam (Em) was convinced she wouldn't feel it, as she claimed her stomach muscles were in "such good shape". I wish you could have seen the smile on my face the next morning when she couldn't even laugh without gripping her stomach!

Challenge complete, on to the next!

Eventually, after weeks of experimenting, we realised a few things, We weren't the biggest fans of being shouted at, being pushed to a point of feeling like we were going to throw up or trying to maintain levels that were unrealistic for us. It was all too serious, we wanted something motivating. A workout that wouldn't feel like a 'workout' . . . did that even exist?

That's when we discovered 'Grow with jo', a Youtube fitness instructor who really changed it all for us. We started off with her walking workouts and later discovered she did dance parties. Exercising suddenly became fun. A few days a week of heart elevating cardio to invigorating music.

We have been following her workouts for almost a year and still look forward to donning the lycra and getting a sweat on whilst laughing at each others lack of coordination. We really can't rave enough about this inspirational lady, who has changed our perspective on fitness.

'Move with Nicole' is our other go-to. A pilates, yoga and fitness instructor who posts free workout programmes with follow-along videos on Youtube. Her routines are calm and controlled, increasing your flexibility and tightening every muscle leaving you feeling good in mind, body and soul.

Don't get us wrong, there are days when exercise feels like a chore. Had days when we are simply not feeling it so stopped in the middle of a workout, and that's O.K. We try our best to keep a positive mindset and listen to our bodies, balancing healthy food choices with something indulgent here and there. (if you read the blog then you will know we like to treat ourselves now and then!)


For us, this is a lifestyle choice fueled not only by wanting to look and feel good but most importantly to be healthy. A way of being that has become valuable for our emotional and physical wellbeing.

Fitness can be for everyone, you just have to find what works for you.

We would love to hear your fitness journeys, hints and tips.


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